I progetti

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Primary schools in the villages
At the villages of Bandessar , Copargo and Tansar , the Association of Friends of Africa ADA NPO is building together with local people and with the sharing and collaboration of the Authority , primary schools to enable the start of a path of literacy and elimination of exploitative child labor. The general project provides, for each village , the construction of n . 6 classes ( those are the years of study of primary school ) , as well as toilets, the canteen and the spaces and goods of common use such as the library and the shaft. To use the school canteen is provided for the vegetable garden run by the children along with the teachers. The first classes and built in the years 2004 and 2005 in the villages of Copargo (4 classes) and Tansar ( 2 classes ) had committed the population of the villages for labor and the Association for the purchase of materials needed . In 2006 , at the village of Bandessar were built 3 classes , as well as in the village of Tansar . The projects of these new schools have worked Lella , Simon and Alexander, three architects volunteers of these buildings has been used for a construction technique that provides a good standard of living and life . The schools , you want to force the local population , are being built on land provided by the State of Benin and conducted by masters of the state. In 2007, we continued to work on this project beginning with the construction of three classrooms in the village of Copargo . Friends of Africa A.D.A. Onlus welcomes anyone who wanted to devote their time and expertise to this project. The construction of schools is carried out on areas of about 6 acres owned by the state , already earmarked for this purpose . The design is concerned Exploratory Study Architecture in Turin with Raffaella Bonino, Simona Rossi and Alessandro Massa, volunteers of the Association. The supporting structure of the building is made ​​of reinforced concrete walls and infill concrete brick . All the bricks are manufactured on site with cement, sand and water until transported to the construction site by the population of the village. On the main facade there is a 2 meter wide portico , beneath which are built of masonry benches and paving of the school is elevated and isolated about 50 cm above the ground . The roof is made ​​of wooden beams resting on the supporting structure so as to allow sufficient space for proper ventilation in the classrooms . For the roof is used corrugated metal reinforced ( best material available on-site for coverage ) . The painting and decorating of the school are made by the painter and artist Zato Maman with washable materials up to a height of cm . 180 and water-based paint . The direction of the work is entrusted to Eng . Sourou Severin Cotonou Agreement under the control of the volunteers of that alternate in Benin. Labor is sourced locally where possible and in the village of reference . Funding for the project is through the voluntary self-taxation of the Association, the voluntary donations and sponsorships of individuals and society.

The secondary school of Barei
The CEG ( Centre de Enseignement Generale ) of Barei provides the opportunity for children in the district , which includes 8 villages , to continue their studies with the cycle of secondary school. Between these villages there are also those of Tansar and Bandessar , in which the association Friends of Africa is pursuing the construction of primary schools. The Centre is located on the road from Djougou door to the border of Togo, along which in 2006 began preparing for the distribution of electricity.
The CEG was founded in 2005 with a strong will and the only forces of local residents who came together in an association , and in consultation with the teachers and the local authority have made a collection and have started the construction of two modules , the first of which has come to be covered by the roof while the second was interrupted in mid- elevation exhaustion of the funds raised .

The orphanage in NATITINGOU
From the earliest trips made in the area we came in contact with this structure . After a long period of knowledge we decided to contribute in a concrete way and to the continuous improvement of living conditions of this orphanage , through the search for people who want to contribute permanently to the safeguarding of children housed at the facility.
the context
The welcome center is located in the north of Benin , on one of the hills surrounding the town of NATITINGOU .
And ' one of the poorest areas of the world : the precarious sanitary conditions generally, the widespread nutritional deficiency that affects at least 40% of the child population and the common economic difficulties leading to an average life expectancy of the population of Benin around 45 years.
The premature death of adults leaving children without parents , very often due to the lack of many systems of birth control .
The frequent deaths of mothers in childbirth even for trivial shortcomings hygiene and the abandonment of newborns as a result of severe psychiatric disorders significantly increases the number of orphans.
The families of unaccompanied children are often not able to accommodate them.
Two Beninese , a man and his wife, also orphaned as a child, have spread his arms to these children in need and have decided to give their lives , welcoming and taking care of them .
Since the mid-nineties , year after year , and around a small house , their family has grown and now children have become welcomed many ( 97 September 2007 ) and the very few budget .
The reception center , called the peace since 2003 , receives no institutional support and organized and operates in serious trouble with the little money raised through donations and occasional irregular .
When in 2005 our association has known the reality of the orphanage could not remain indifferent to poverty and precariousness of his condition.
There is the strength of mind and will, but the facilities are inadequate, the very limited equipment , the urgency is daily finding of food and emergency conditions are sanitary .
What are we doing
The association Friends of Africa A.D.A. Non-profit organization seeks the implementation of a wide-ranging project to help with the following purposes:
1) To support the reception of children by providing them with the opportunity to eat properly , get medical care , dressing, living in a healthy environment and decent , go to school and receive an education family type ;
2 ) restore confidence to the children housed in a decent future ;
3 ) avoid marginalization and poverty ;
4) prevent the risk of ' vidomegon ' , dramatically widespread phenomenon of child slavery in Benin .
These goals we want to achieve together to dad and maman founders of the center and with the help of anyone who will prove susceptible to the initiative.
We propose to implement radical structural and organizational , such as:
a) adaptation and integration of existing facilities until it reaches normal conditions of liveability in terms of space, hygiene and availability of services;
b ) allocation of the necessary equipment such as beds, mattresses, bedding , mosquito nets , furniture, kitchen utensils, washing machines, fans;
c) recruitment of skilled professionals to support the local host exerted by the two Beninese ;
d) organization of health service support through an agreement with a local doctor who will visit the children several times a week and on call for emergencies ;
e) organization of an educational service support through the recruitment of educators with the task of following the kids in school performance .